• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Moderna’s Combined Flu and Covid Vaccine Successfully Completes Advanced Trial


Jun 10, 2024

Moderna, a drug company, has announced that their combined flu and Covid vaccine has passed a crucial phase-three trial. This vaccine is designed to target both diseases with just one shot, providing the body with protective antibodies. Results from the trial suggest that the combined vaccine is just as effective as getting separate flu and Covid shots. Moderna believes that having fewer injections will be more convenient and easier for patients.

The CEO of Moderna, Stephane Bancel, expressed excitement about the results of the trial. He hopes that the mRNA vaccine will be widely available by 2026, or even as early as 2025. This two-in-one vaccine is a first of its kind and offers a single dose option for both flu and Covid protection, making it simpler for consumers to receive.

Competitors Pfizer and BioNTech are also working on a similar two-in-one mRNA vaccine for flu and Covid. In the Moderna trial, the new vaccine produced a stronger immune response compared to currently approved flu vaccines, including those designed for older individuals. The vaccine also outperformed Moderna’s existing Covid booster in terms of producing disease-fighting antibodies.

The trial focused on volunteers over the age of 50, with half of them being over the age of 64. Moderna prioritized older individuals as they are more likely to receive Covid vaccines regularly. However, they plan to offer the new jab to younger age groups as well. Any side effects reported were mild, with some soreness at the injection site and mild tiredness being the most common.

Moderna intends to present the trial findings at a medical conference and publish them for further review. The company is also working on developing an mRNA vaccine for cytomegalovirus, a disease that currently has no protection for pregnant women and their unborn babies.


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