Categories: World

Musings on the Regional Conservation Forum: Paving the Way for a Fair World that Cherishes and Safeguards Biodiversity

The importance of supporting and recognizing young people as partners and leaders in conservation efforts cannot be overstated. By tapping into the energy and innovation of young conservationists, new solutions to environmental challenges can be discovered, leading to a more inclusive and dynamic conservation movement. Youth-led projects such as Abejedario and GYBN LAC exemplify the power of young people in driving conservation initiatives forward.

The urgent need for the effective implementation of the IUCN Youth Strategy was a central theme of the Assembly. Young professionals from CEESP, CEC, and CMAP advocated for the acknowledgment of all youth as valuable colleagues whose perspectives and contributions are essential for creating meaningful change. Following a compelling session, members of various committees and commissions committed to supporting the implementation of the Strategy upon their return home.

During internal discussions, members of CEESP highlighted the significant impact of organised crime on biodiversity conservation as a pressing issue. The infiltration of criminal enterprises poses a serious threat to ecosystems and communities, with activities like illegal wildlife trafficking and land grabbing causing harm on a large scale. There is a need for proactive strategies to combat illicit activities and protect the integrity of biodiversity hotspots while safeguarding the rights of local inhabitants.

In summary, the Regional Conservation Forum served as a transformative experience that underscored the necessity of reimagining conservation paradigms in light of escalating environmental challenges. As members of CEESP, a commitment was reaffirmed to advancing a vision of conservation rooted in justice, equity, and sustainability, with a focus on creating a more just world that values and conserves biodiversity.

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