• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Muti emphasizes: My words in Verona should not be exploited


Jun 8, 2024

After the event at the Verona Arena dedicated to Italian Opera, Maestro Riccardo Muti clarified his statement about the orchestra being a metaphor for society. He emphasized that his reflection was of a general nature and not directed towards any specific authorities present at the event, including President Mattarella and President Meloni. Muti emphasized that everyone has a role to play in society, just like in an orchestra where every member contributes to the music.

Muti expressed his respect for the President and Prime Minister, highlighting their important roles as representatives of Italy. He warned against anyone trying to exploit his words for misleading interpretations, especially on election days. Muti has been expressing his views on society and the importance of collaboration for years, and his statement at the event was part of this ongoing message.

The Maestro wants to make it clear that his words were not meant to target any specific individuals or authorities but were simply a reflection of his beliefs about the power of unity and cooperation in society. He hopes that his message will inspire people to work together towards a common goal, just like the members of an orchestra come together to create beautiful music.


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