• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Myanmar military strikes wedding party from the sky


Jun 3, 2024

Resistance fighters in Myanmar reported that a military air strike resulted in the deaths and injuries of dozens of civilians. The attack targeted a wedding party in Mingin, located in the Sagaing region of the country. A spokesperson for the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) stated that at least 20 people were killed and over 30 were seriously injured, including women and children.

Since the military coup in February 2021, the junta has been using air strikes against resistance groups, often causing harm to innocent civilians. Mingin, in the western part of Myanmar, has become a stronghold for the PDF after the coup. The military launched the airstrike on a village gathering for a wedding, which led to chaos and difficulties in assisting the victims.

Reports from local media suggested that the bride, who was a member of the PDF, and the groom were among those killed in the attack. However, due to the challenging situation on the ground, this information could not be independently confirmed. The country formerly known as Burma has been facing escalating chaos and violence since the coup, with various ethnic groups fighting against the military junta.

The Special Advisory Council of international experts recently reported that the junta has lost effective control over a significant portion of Myanmar, as most communities do not recognize its authority. This loss of control has contributed to the deteriorating situation in the country, with violence and unrest becoming more prevalent in many regions.


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