• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Narendra Modi re-elected in Indian election with reduced majority


Jun 4, 2024

The Indian Prime Minister, Modi, may be in trouble as his party may not reach an absolute majority. Yogendra Yadav, a psychologist and founder of a small political group opposed to the BJP, expressed concerns about Modi dropping below the majority threshold. Modi has been the undisputed leader of the ruling alliance for the past decade, heavily relying on his Hindu nationalism. There are concerns about the country’s slide into authoritarianism under his leadership.

Modi, who once sold tea as a child in Gujarat, has dominated Indian politics with his charismatic personality. He has overshadowed many in his party and even the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, his ideological parent group. Throughout the campaign, with his thinning white hair and perfectly trimmed beard, Modi stood out with his promises to change the lives of India’s 968 million voters.

Some critics believe that Modi has become bigger than the party itself, with one former head of the political science department at Lucknow University stating that in a democratic system, a party should always be bigger than the candidate. Modi’s dominance in Indian politics has raised concerns about the state of democracy in the country, with many questioning his authoritarian tendencies.


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