• Fri. Jun 7th, 2024

Nearly 100% rise in cases of “Broken Heart Syndrome”


Jun 7, 2024

Professor Lev explained that broken heart syndrome is a condition that mimics a heart attack and can be caused by mental or physical stress. He noted that for the first time, there is a clear connection between this syndrome and a national trauma. The study collected data from all over the country, not just the southern population, which demonstrates the widespread impact of the syndrome.

Dr. Yuval Kahila emphasized the seriousness of broken heart syndrome, highlighting the significant disturbance in the contraction of the heart muscle that is seen on an echocardiogram. This condition is not benign and comes with notable complication and mortality rates across the country.

The study presented at the Israeli Cardiology Association conference revealed a surge in cases of broken heart syndrome, particularly among women around the age of 50. Many of these women were mothers of soldiers involved in the conflict, experiencing symptoms similar to a heart attack. The story of Atti, a mother from Hadera, illustrates how extreme stress led to the manifestation of the syndrome.

Another case involved Reserve Major Sion Skelly Ben Zachary, who, as a casualty officer, had to organize numerous military funerals in a short period. The emotional toll of these eulogies became overwhelming, leading to a cardiac arrest and subsequent rehabilitation. Her experience highlights the profound impact of stress on the heart and the importance of recognizing the signs of broken heart syndrome.

Through these personal stories, it becomes evident that broken heart syndrome is not only a physical condition but also a reflection of the mental and emotional strain that individuals experience during times of national trauma. The importance of understanding and addressing this syndrome is crucial in providing appropriate care and support for those affected.


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