• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Neel Kashkari, President of the Minneapolis Fed, suggests that indicators point towards a potential easing of a “high-pressure” economy


Jun 16, 2024

Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari recently discussed the state of the economy on CBS News, noting signs that a high-pressure economy may be cooling. According to Kashkari, there is a possibility that unemployment will continue to rise and there may be some economic cooling in the coming weeks. He described the current situation as a high-pressure economy in some dimensions but also acknowledged evidence of it cooling.

Kashkari’s comments were made during an interview on “Face the Nation,” where he shared his insights on the economic landscape. This discussion centered on the potential for a shift in economic conditions as the country navigates through ongoing challenges.

As the Minneapolis Federal Reserve president, Kashkari’s perspective provides valuable insight into the state of the economy and the factors influencing its trajectory. His observations highlight the importance of monitoring economic indicators to gauge the health of the economy and anticipate potential changes. Observers will be watching closely to see how these trends evolve in the weeks and months ahead.


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