• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Netanyahu greenlights sending a new team to negotiate with Hamas


Jul 4, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has authorized a new negotiating team to discuss a possible ceasefire with Hamas in exchange for the release of hostages in the Gaza Strip. These negotiations are expected to take place in the coming days, although the venue is still unknown, with previous talks having been held in Egypt and Qatar.

After meeting with his security cabinet, Netanyahu outlined Israel’s position for the negotiations. In recent weeks, talks between the two sides have not been successful, with accusations from both sides over the failure of the talks. Hamas is demanding that Israel halt its attacks and withdraw its troops from Gaza, which has been experiencing a serious humanitarian crisis.

Israel is calling for a temporary ceasefire to facilitate the release of around 100 hostages held by Hamas in exchange for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Israel is also emphasizing its goal of completely defeating the Islamist group. Netanyahu’s decision to send a new negotiating team comes after reviewing Hamas’ response to a recent proposal from US President Joe Biden.

It is unclear how Netanyahu’s plan differs from Biden’s three-stage proposal, which includes a temporary ceasefire leading to a permanent end to hostilities, exchange of hostages, delivery of humanitarian aid, and reconstruction of Gaza.


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