• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

New AI Technology by Google Predicts Molecule Structure and Shape in Human Body, Promising Breakthroughs in Vaccine and Drug Development


May 25, 2024

Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence, machines now have the ability to perform a wide range of tasks such as generating videos, writing computer code, creating art, holding conversations, and aiding in the study of the human body.

One notable development in AI technology is Google’s AlphaFold software, which can predict the structure and shape of molecules within the human body. Understanding a molecule’s shape is crucial in determining its function and behavior, and this technology has the potential to revolutionize research in vaccine and drug development.

The latest version of AlphaFold, known as AlphaFold 3, was recently unveiled by Deepmind, Google’s AI lab, in a study published in the journal Nature. This software builds upon previous versions and has been instrumental in providing insights into various scientific fields, such as studying the human heart and analyzing extinct bird eggs.

Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, have also utilized AlphaFold to gain a better understanding of the coronavirus and pandemics in general. While the technology has proven to be a valuable tool in advancing scientific knowledge, it also has its limitations that scientists continue to explore and overcome.

As AI continues to evolve and expand its capabilities, it holds great promise for furthering scientific discoveries and revolutionizing how we approach complex problems in various fields. Subscribe to Chip Chick’s newsletter to stay updated on the latest advancements in AI technology and science.


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