• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

New Child Welfare Focus Introduced by Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Director


Jun 7, 2024

In some of his first actions as department director, Alex Adams made significant changes, including eliminating 170 vacant positions and four “obsolete” committees. Additionally, he moved to reduce adoption fees and update policies related to Idaho’s foster care system, emphasizing that child welfare is a top priority for the department.

Adams expressed the need to promote adoption, reduce barriers, and make the process as streamlined as possible for Idahoans interested in adopting through the department. He spoke about these changes at a department board meeting, stating the importance of supporting those who are willing to step up and provide loving homes for children in need.

As of now, individuals interested in adopting or fostering children do not have to pay application or home study fees. The department has also worked to expedite the response time for applicants, making the process more efficient and accessible.

Looking ahead, the department plans to officially recognize foster families who have developed a relationship with a child for at least six months as kin. This change aims to support and strengthen these important family connections within the foster care system.


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