• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

New knee replacement technology used by Dr. Corey Jackson


Jun 17, 2024

Dr. Corey Jackson recently made history by being the first surgeon to utilize the latest generation of ExactechGPS hardware and technology. This innovative technology was used during a total knee replacement surgery, showcasing enhanced system responsiveness and connectivity along with proprietary active tracker technology. As a board certified orthopedic surgeon at the Genesis Orthopedic Center, Jackson praised the benefits of ExactechGPS in providing real-time personalized insights for optimal patient outcomes. The compact screen used during surgery and active trackers contribute to improved efficiency and performance.

Comparable to how drivers rely on GPS technology for navigation, Jackson can now align implants precisely with the help of ExactechGPS. This precision ultimately leads to improved joint function for patients, potentially extending the life of the joint by preventing uneven wear. Jackson’s expertise lies in diagnosing and treating various orthopedic conditions, including knee and hip arthritis, fractures, post traumatic arthritis, avascular necrosis, as well as painful or failed total or partial knee and hip replacements, dislocations, and shoulder arthritis.


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