• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Nokia CEO pioneers immersive audio and video technology with world’s first phone call.


Jun 11, 2024

Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark recently demonstrated a new technology called “immersive audio and video” during a phone call made at Nokia headquarters in Espoo, Finland. This technology enhances the quality of calls by providing three-dimensional sound, creating a more lifelike interaction. Lundmark expressed excitement about the potential of this innovative technology, noting that it represents a significant advancement in voice call experiences.

Current smartphone calls are limited by monophonic audio, which compresses sound elements and results in a flat, less detailed quality. The introduction of 3D audio in calls will allow users to hear everything as if they were physically present with the other person on the call. Nokia Technologies President Jenni Lukander emphasized that this represents a significant advancement in live voice calling experiences, reminiscent of the introduction of monophonic telephony audio in smartphones and PCs.

The call made by Lundmark was with Stefan Lindström, Finland’s Ambassador of Digitalisation and New Technologies. This new technology is expected to become standardized, allowing network providers, chipset manufacturers, and handset manufacturers to implement it in their products. This technology can also be utilized in conference calls, separating participants’ voices based on their spatial locations, as explained by Jyri Huopaniemi, head of audio research at Nokia Technologies.

Most smartphones are equipped with at least two microphones, enabling the implementation of this technology by transmitting the spatial characteristics of a call in real-time. Nokia’s aim is to secure licensing opportunities with this technology, which is part of the upcoming 5G Advanced standard. Implementation of this technology on a wide scale is projected to take a few years.


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