• Sun. Jun 30th, 2024

Online Program Prioritizes Mental Health for Players of the Lexington Legends KY Baseball Team


Jun 16, 2024

The Lexington Legends have recently introduced a program aimed at providing mental health and wellness resources to their players. Partnering with the online wellness service “Manual,” the team hopes to support the overall well-being of their athletes, recognizing the pressures that come with playing professional baseball.

While playing professional baseball may seem like a dream come true, the reality is that the sport can be incredibly challenging. The Lexington Legends are committed to helping their players prioritize their mental health, both on and off the field. Manager Gregg Zaun acknowledges the mental fortitude required to play baseball, especially for hitters who face daily challenges. He emphasizes the importance of understanding and coping with the ups and downs of the game, as well as the external pressures that players face.

The mission of “Manual” is to empower men to make informed health decisions and live fulfilling lives. The program specifically focuses on supporting young men, who may be resistant to traditional forms of support. General manager Justin Ferrarella highlights the benefit of having a discreet app that allows players to access resources, videos, and support to help them manage their mental well-being.

Zaun, who played 16 seasons in the Major Leagues, understands the stress and pressure that players face while performing in front of crowds. He recognizes that the players on the Lexington Legends team are under immense pressure, as many of them see this opportunity as their last chance. The commitment of the team to prioritize mental health speaks volumes about their dedication to both the community and the well-being of their players.


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