• Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

OpenAI removes support from ChatGPT over resemblance to Scarlett Johansson, prompting surprise and frustration


May 21, 2024

OpenAI announced late Sunday evening that they are pausing the use of Sky, the voice in ChatGPT, while they address concerns about how the voice was chosen. The company explained in a blog post that Sky’s voice is based on a voice actress and not on Scarlett Johansson, as some had speculated. They emphasized that AI voices should not mimic celebrities deliberately and that the actress behind Sky’s voice will remain undisclosed for privacy reasons.

However, reports surfaced on Monday suggesting that the pause and clarification about the voice came at the request of Scarlett Johansson herself. Johansson stated that she was approached by Sam Altman last year to voice the ChatGPT 4.0 system, which she declined for personal reasons. After the system was launched with a voice resembling hers, Johansson expressed shock and concern that the similarity was intentional. She had to hire an attorney to address the situation and compel OpenAI to remove the Sky voice.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman responded, stating that Sky’s voice was not intended to sound like Scarlett Johansson’s and that they had selected the voice actress before approaching her. He expressed regret over the lack of communication with Johansson and the confusion that arose. OpenAI also reiterated in a blog post their support for the creative industry and their clear communication with voice actors about the use of their recordings.

The incident highlights ongoing concerns about the impact of AI on the entertainment industry and the protection of individual rights. Scarlett Johansson’s experience with the AI system Lisa AI, which imitated her voice and appearance without consent, adds to the growing discussion around the use of AI technology in media and entertainment. Johansson’s call for transparency and legal protections for individual rights in the face of deepfakes underscores the need for clear guidelines in the use of AI technologies.


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