• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Opinion piece: New York needs to stop its illegal discrimination in cannabis licensing for businesses


Jun 24, 2024

New York must end its unlawful discrimination in cannabis business licensing. The Pacific Legal Foundation believes that it is time for the state of New York to put an end to its discriminatory practices when it comes to licensing cannabis businesses. The current system is unfair and arbitrary, leading to many qualified individuals being shut out of the industry simply because of their race or economic status.

The Pacific Legal Foundation is calling on the state to create a fair and transparent process for licensing cannabis businesses that does not discriminate against any group of people. By doing so, New York can create a more inclusive industry that benefits all stakeholders and helps to address historical injustices.

It is important for New York to take action now to end this discrimination and create a more equitable system for licensing cannabis businesses. By doing so, the state can lead the way in creating a more just and inclusive industry that benefits all New Yorkers. Let’s work together to create a fair and transparent system for licensing cannabis businesses in New York.


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