• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Over 100 workers hospitalized due to suspected food poisoning


Jun 27, 2024

After lunch, more than 100 workers of Song Cam Shipbuilding Joint Stock Company suffered from shock and nausea and were hospitalized one after another. On the afternoon of June 27, the Emergency Department of Viet Tiep Friendship Hospital received nearly 70 people, with no critical cases recorded. Other cases were admitted to other medical facilities. Workers said they had mackerel for lunch, then felt hot in the face, hot in the body, had stomach aches, and felt dizzy. The leader of An Hong Commune People’s Committee said that the initial assessment was that the workers might have food poisoning, and authorities are investigating the cause.

Song Cam Shipbuilding Joint Stock Company signed a contract with an industrial catering unit. Lunch was cooked by this unit at the company’s canteen. There is currently no comment from the company about the incident, it is unclear what the lunch menu was, what the processing process was, how many workers ate. The authorities took food samples to test for the cause.

As the investigation continues, the incident has raised concerns about food safety and the responsibility of catering units in providing meals for workers. It highlights the need for strict quality control measures and thorough inspection of food processing procedures to prevent incidents like this from happening again. Employers must ensure the health and safety of their employees by delivering safe and healthy meals during working hours. Proper training and monitoring of food handlers are essential to maintain a safe working environment for all employees.


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