• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Over 115,000 Palestinians from Gaza relocated to Egypt after October 2023


Jun 30, 2024

Since the beginning of the Iron Swords war, over 115,000 Gaza residents have crossed the border into Egypt, as reported by The Washington Post, citing the Palestinian embassy in Cairo. Some of these individuals are seeking medical care for injuries sustained in the war zone, while others have come as tourists. Hala Consulting and Tourism, an Egyptian company with ties to security services, has been instrumental in facilitating the arrival of these tourists, who pay hefty fees to leave the Gaza Strip.

Many of these “tourists” eventually become illegal immigrants once their 45-day tourist visa expires. This undocumented status means they are not eligible for education and healthcare services in Egypt. The Palestinian refugee aid agency UNRWA is unable to assist them as Egypt does not acknowledge its mandate over Palestinians on Egyptian soil.

It is challenging for these individuals to navigate their new circumstances as they find themselves in a legal limbo without access to essential services like education and healthcare. The situation highlights the complexities and difficulties faced by Palestinian residents of Gaza seeking refuge or opportunities in neighboring countries like Egypt.


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