• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Over 60 Israelis have been bitten by snakes since April began.


Jun 27, 2024

According to the MADA ambulance service, there have been 62 calls for snake bites since the beginning of April, with around 30 calls received since the start of June. Of those bitten, five Israelis were hospitalized in serious condition, six in moderate condition, and the rest in mild condition. The most recent incident involved a 60-year-old man who was bitten by a poisonous snake and transported to a clinic in Isfiya before being taken to Haifa’s Carmel Hospital in serious condition.

Experts note that snakes are more active in the summer due to the heat, leading to a higher number of venomous snake bites during this time. It is important to exercise caution when encountering snakes. It is also important to remember that snakes are protected species and harming them is prohibited as they play a vital role in the ecosystem as predators of rodents and pests.

In the event of spotting a snake, it is advised to keep your distance and not attempt to catch or kill it. Simply walk away slowly and carefully. If a snake is found in your home or in a public place, it is recommended to call the municipality hotline or the Department of Nature Reserves and Parks for professional handling.

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