• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Panda-monium may have the potential to enhance the San Diego economy.


Jun 27, 2024

Two Giant Pandas are making their way back to San Diego, and people are eagerly anticipating their arrival. However, they will have to wait a little while for the pandas to adjust to their new home. Zoo-goers will soon have the opportunity to see giant pandas for the first time in about five years.

Kelly Martinez, a regular visitor to the zoo who comes every two to three weeks, expressed her excitement about the pandas’ return. She finds the pandas to be cute animals and enjoys watching them when they are out and about. Martinez brought her niece to the zoo on Wednesday to see the animals.

San Diego Zoo’s Wildlife Alliance and Mayor Todd Gloria were in China for the pandas’ farewell ceremony. They are looking forward to seeing Yun Chuan and Xin Bao explore the new habitat that has been designed to resemble their natural environment. Dr. Megan Owen from the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance mentioned that the pandas will have a larger habitat with new features to engage them.

Travel experts like Tracy Anderson believe that the pandas will draw large crowds, potentially boosting the local economy. Visitors spending money on hotels, car rentals, airline tickets, attractions, and dining in San Diego will contribute to the economy. Anderson mentioned that the average cost of a week-long family vacation in San Diego ranges from five to eight thousand dollars.

The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance will announce the opening day once the pandas are settled into their new environment. This will be a highly anticipated event for both locals and tourists alike.


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