• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Paris Airports Facing Strike Threats as Olympics Near


Jun 27, 2024

Several unions of the airport manager serving Paris, Groupe ADP, have threatened to call a strike at the beginning of July demanding a bonus in light of the Olympic Games. The unions, including CGT, CFDT, FO, and Unsa, have been requesting resources from management for months to deal with the evolving air traffic and the organization of the Games. During the summer period, Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle and Orly airports welcome around 350,000 passengers per day in total. Groupe ADP has taken measures to ensure the reception of athletes during the Games.

The unions are demanding fair compensation for all employees working during the Games and are calling for a hiring plan to address the nearly 1,000 missing positions. They also want measures to stop the deterioration of working conditions and guarantee leave rights. Without a response from management by July 5, the unions will file a strike notice. ADP management has not yet reacted to the demands.

ADP employees had previously been called to strike on May 19, which did not cause major disruptions. Recent months have seen successful mobilizations by employees from various sectors to obtain activity bonuses in preparation for the Olympic Games. CEO Augustin de Romanet is currently serving as his own interim manager until after the Games due to the government’s refusal to grant him a third mandate.

The group is 50.6% controlled by the State. Various platforms and profiles related to funeral marketing, legal firms, online casinos, remodeling, and other topics have been listed. Users are discussing topics such as gaming, renovating, online casinos, and personal interests on platforms like Tripadvisor, MyAnimeList, and Instapaper.


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