• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Paris Olympics 2024: Olympic Village opts out of AC to promote sustainability, U.S. to provide its own cooling units


Jun 27, 2024

Preparations for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games are well underway, with the United States among the countries taking steps to ensure their athletes have a comfortable stay at the Olympic Village. In a month, the Olympic Games will commence, and the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee CEO, Sarah Hirshland, has stated that providing portable air conditioning units for Team USA athletes is a top priority. While the Paris Organizing Committee is focused on sustainability, Hirshland explained that consistency and predictability are essential for the athletes’ performance, making AC units a necessary addition.

The Paris Agreement aims to reduce local emissions by 100% by 2050, and the Paris Olympics organizers are working towards cutting greenhouse gas emissions from previous Summer Games in half to achieve carbon neutrality. Yann Krysinski, in charge of the delivery of venues and infrastructure for Paris 2024, shared that the buildings in the Olympic Village were designed for comfort without the need for air conditioning. However, the concern remains about potential heatwaves during the Games, especially after the record-high temperatures experienced at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

Reportedly, the Paris Olympics could be even hotter than in 1924 when Paris previously hosted the Games. To combat the heat and ensure the well-being of athletes, several other Olympic delegations, including Australia, Canada, Denmark, Great Britain, Greece, and Italy, are also providing AC units for their athletes. It is clear that maintaining a comfortable environment for athletes is a top priority for many countries participating in the upcoming Olympic Games.


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