• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Pedro Sánchez urges undecided women and older voters to help secure victory against the far-right in European Parliament elections


Jun 7, 2024

The president of the Spanish Government and socialist leader, Pedro Sanchez, urged undecided voters, women, and older individuals to cast their ballots in the European elections to defeat a “more than bad” right-wing party and expressed optimism for Sunday’s outcome. At a rally in Madrid on the final day of the electoral campaign, Sanchez declared that the PSOE is ready to triumph over the conservative People’s Party (PP).

Addressing a video released by the PP on social media urging people to “break a tie” and implying that the PSOE wants a tie to maintain power, Sanchez emphasized the importance of unity against divisive tactics. He thanked supporters for their encouragement amid legal issues involving his wife, Begoña Gomez, and reiterated his commitment to defending the government’s actions.

Discussing the right-wing political landscape, Sanchez emphasized that there is no good or bad extreme right, only a detrimental right-wing ideology that must be defeated. He called on undecided voters to consider the consequences of not participating in the election and highlighted the importance of women and older citizens in resisting the reactionary agenda of the PP.

Encouraging all eligible voters to support the PSOE, Sanchez urged the public to unite against the right and far-right factions to secure a victory on June 9. Focusing on mobilizing undecided voters, women, and older individuals, he emphasized the crucial role they play in shaping the future direction of the country through their voting choices.


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