• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Peru begins trial against Keiko Fujimori for alleged money laundering in Odebrecht case


Jul 1, 2024

Former Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori appeared in court on Monday to face trial for money laundering in connection to the Odebrecht scandal. This trial could result in a 30-year prison sentence for her. The prosecutors in the “Lava Jato” investigation have been looking into Keiko Fujimori’s involvement for six years. The trial, which began in a Lima court with Keiko present, is expected to last over a year due to the number of witnesses called to testify.

Keiko Fujimori is accused of financing her 2011 and 2016 campaigns with money from Odebrecht, which she did not declare. The Brazilian construction company allegedly gave her 1.2 million dollars as part of a bribery scheme for contracts. Supporters of Fujimori gathered outside the courthouse, insisting on her innocence and protesting the trial. However, opponents were also present, leading to police intervention to maintain order.

The Odebrecht corruption scandal in Peru has affected multiple former presidents, including Fujimori’s father, Alberto Fujimori. Keiko, who is the leader of the Fuerza Popular party, has denied all allegations and maintained her innocence. The trial has drawn significant attention due to its potential impact on her political future. If found guilty, Fujimori may not be able to run for office in future elections.

Despite the serious allegations against her, Keiko Fujimori remains confident in the outcome of the trial. Her defense team argues that the money in question is of legal origin and therefore not related to money laundering. The prosecution, on the other hand, seeks a lengthy prison sentence for the former presidential candidate. With ongoing investigations and legal proceedings, the political landscape in Peru remains uncertain.


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