• Mon. Jun 24th, 2024

Pew survey reveals growing concern among Democrats about economy, despite Biden’s reassurances


May 24, 2024

A new Pew Research survey has found that the number of Democrats with a positive view of the American economy is slipping, despite the White House’s messaging about promising trends in wages and prices. The survey, conducted between May 13 and 19, revealed that only 37% of Democrats believe the economy is in good or excellent shape, a decrease from 44% in January.

During a press conference on May 15, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre highlighted the macroeconomic progress, such as wage and price improvements, but also acknowledged that many American families are still struggling. She emphasized the administration’s commitment to fighting inflation to address these challenges.

President Biden often criticizes former President Trump for the unemployment spike during his presidency, attributing it to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Biden has referenced data showing that the previous administration lost more jobs than any administration since Herbert Hoover, underscoring the need for economic recovery efforts.

The White House and Biden campaign’s social media accounts frequently post about job gains since Biden took office, but these posts are scrutinized and fact-checked by various systems. For any story ideas or news tips, contact Julian Baron on X or via email at jtbaron@sbgtv.com.


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