• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Podcast: The Increasing Severity of Air Turbulence – a Scientific Investigation


May 23, 2024

On Tuesday, a tragic incident occurred as a British man lost his life and others were injured due to severe turbulence on a flight from London to Singapore. This unfortunate event highlights the growing prevalence of turbulence in the skies. Recent studies have shown a 55% increase in severe clear-air turbulence between 1979 and 2020, indicating a concerning trend. To shed light on this issue, Ian Sample discusses with Guy Gratton, an associate professor of aviation and the environment at Cranfield University, to explore the reasons behind this increase and potential solutions to mitigate its impact.

Gratton provides insights into the factors contributing to the rise of turbulence and the implications for air travel safety. With clear-air turbulence becoming more common, it is essential to understand the mechanisms driving this trend and explore strategies to address it. By delving into the science behind turbulence and its effects on flights, experts like Gratton can offer valuable perspectives on how to enhance safety measures in the aviation industry.

The podcast episode offers a comprehensive discussion on the challenges posed by turbulence and the urgency to address this issue. By raising awareness about the rising incidents of severe turbulence, listeners can gain a deeper understanding of the risks involved in air travel and the importance of implementing effective measures to ensure passenger safety. Through informed discussions and expert insights, we can work towards minimizing the impact of turbulence on flights and enhancing the overall safety standards in aviation.


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