• Sat. Jun 29th, 2024

Polk County promotes mental health and well-being in the workplace


Jun 29, 2024

Polk County in Florida has reached a significant milestone in its efforts to promote mental health awareness and support within the community. The Polk County Board of County Commissioners recently received a Bell Seal Award from Mental Health America in recognition of the county’s commitment to mental health initiatives.

One of the key aspects of the county’s mental health resources is the availability of various trainings, safe spaces, and support services for employees and their family members. Polk Fire Rescue, for example, offers mental health resources from the county in all of its stations to ensure that first responders have the support they need.

Chaplain Murphy Hanley plays a crucial role in supporting the mental health of the fire rescue team by regularly checking in with them and creating a space where they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. This open dialogue has been essential in addressing mental health challenges within the department, especially following the loss of a retired firefighter to suicide a few years ago.

The county has partnered with organizations like Lakeland Regional Behavioral Health and the University of Central Florida Health Restores Program to provide additional mental health support to first responders. By offering a range of trainings, certifications, and wellness services, Polk County is taking proactive steps to prioritize mental health and well-being for its employees and their families.

Kandis Baker-Buford, the county equity and human resources director, emphasized the importance of recognizing mental health as a crucial aspect of overall wellness. Receiving the Bell Seal Award is a positive indication that the county is moving in the right direction in reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

With more than 50 million people nationwide experiencing mental health illnesses, it is essential for communities to continue raising awareness and providing support for those in need. Polk County’s dedication to mental health initiatives serves as a model for other communities looking to prioritize mental health and well-being for their residents.


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