• Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Professor Ali Weinstein elected to the Executive Committee of the Society for Health Psychology, focusing on Global and Community Health.


Jun 6, 2024

Ali Weinstein, a professor of Global and Community Health and Senior Scholar in the Center for Advancement and Well-Being, has been elected as a Member-at-Large in the Society for Health Psychology (SfHP), a division within the larger American Psychological Association (APA). Weinstein expressed gratitude for being elected by her peers and highlighted the importance of service for the organization to thrive.

Weinstein has a longstanding involvement with SfHP, considering it one of her primary professional organizations as a health psychologist. Over the past 15 years, she has held various committee and leadership roles within SfHP, including chairing the Health Research Council for six years. Her dedication was recognized last year when she received the Barbara A. Keeton Volunteer of the Year Award for her exceptional service to SfHP.

The Member-at-Large position holds a three-year term that will commence after the APA conference in early August 2024. This role represents an opportunity for Weinstein to continue contributing to the field of health psychology and further support the goals and initiatives of SfHP.


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