• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Proposal to ban mobile phones for under-16s in UK: Effects on mental and physical well-being


May 25, 2024

The House of Commons Education Committee is calling for stricter guidelines on mobile phones in schools and managing children’s screen time at home to protect their mental and physical health. The committee believes that clear government guidance is necessary for both schools and parents in order to address the harmful effects of excessive screen time on children.

Earlier this year, the UK Ministry of Education issued guidance to principals on banning the use of phones not only during class, but also during recess and lunch. They even suggested allowing school staff to search students and their bags for cell phones if necessary. However, the Education Committee believes that these measures are not enough.

The committee’s report recommends consulting on raising the age of “digital consent” from 13 to 16 and considering a complete ban on smartphones for those under 16. They also suggest a legal ban on cell phones in schools. The report cites the increase in screen time among children and the addictive behavior it can lead to.

Committee chairman Robin Walker emphasized the negative impact of excessive screen time on children’s well-being and called for immediate action to protect them. However, internet safety campaigner Ian Russell, whose daughter took her own life after viewing harmful material online, warned against banning phones or social media, arguing that it could have unintended consequences and punish children for the failures of tech companies.

In conclusion, the committee’s report highlights the urgent need for action to address the negative effects of excessive screen time on children’s mental and physical health. Clear government guidance, consultation on age limits, and potential bans on smartphones are all suggested as ways to better protect children in the digital age.


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