• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Proven Techniques to Break Free from Feeling Stagnant


Jun 27, 2024

In the Big Brains podcast episode, Adam Alter discusses research on tools to help overcome difficulties, whether it be in a job or a relationship. At some point in our lives, we have all experienced feeling stuck—whether it’s in a job we want to change, a desire to move to a new location, or challenges in relationships or friendships. Getting “unstuck” and achieving a breakthrough may be simpler than we realize.

Adam Alter, a professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business, shares research-backed tools in his new book, Anatomy of A Breakthrough (Simon and Schuster, 2024). By altering our thoughts and habits, he provides tips on how to get unstuck based on success stories from some of the world’s most successful individuals. These tools can lead us on a better path to success.

The episode delves into the importance of making mindset changes to break free from obstacles and achieve breakthroughs. Alter’s insights offer valuable guidance on navigating challenges in various aspects of life, including career transitions, personal relationships, and relocations.

To learn more about Alter’s research and tips for achieving breakthroughs, you can read the transcript for this episode and subscribe to Big Brains on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. This information is sourced from the University of Chicago.


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