• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Public Health Announcement: Gun Violence Reaction Now Declared a Crisis


Jun 26, 2024

The U.S. surgeon general has declared firearm violence in America to be a public health crisis, recognizing the impact it has on adults and their families. In 2022, more than half of gun-related deaths were self-inflicted, with homicides accounting for 41% and the remainder attributed to legal intervention, intentional injuries, and injuries of unknown intent.

The report highlights the need for increased research on firearms and stronger gun regulations, such as universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons. Some, like President and CEO of the National Shooting Sports Foundation Joseph Bartozzi, believe that focusing on criminal behavior rather than guns is the more effective way to address the issue of gun violence.

Bartozzi emphasizes the importance of social and cultural changes within communities to reduce violence, advocating for gun safety education and secure storage as key components. He believes that providing secure storage options is essential in preventing unauthorized access to firearms, particularly by children or those who should not have access to them.

Ultimately, while the declaration of firearm violence as a public health crisis may spark debate, it is clear that multiple strategies are needed to address this complex issue and protect the safety of individuals and communities in America.


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