• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Publix Introduces Virtual Healthcare Service


Jun 26, 2024

Publix has recently introduced a new virtual health care service, in partnership with WellSync, a leading health care solutions provider. This service allows customers to receive medical care from licensed providers by completing an online health questionnaire, without the need for an appointment. Available to individuals 18 years and older, the service covers common health conditions like allergies, sinus infections, and hair loss, as well as medication refills. Each consultation costs $25, and insurance is not required.

Providers strive to respond to submissions promptly, typically within an hour, during their operating hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern time on weekdays, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern time on weekends. While response times may vary outside of these hours and on holidays, customers have the option to fill any prescribed medication at their nearest Publix Pharmacy.

With over 1,300 locations in Publix’s eight-state operating area, Publix Pharmacy offers more than just traditional retail pharmacy services. The company also runs a dual-accredited specialty pharmacy, which specializes in dispensing and supporting complex medications used for rare diseases. This innovative virtual health care service, combined with Publix Pharmacy’s diverse offerings, aims to provide customers with convenient and comprehensive health care solutions.


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