• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Rare blue animals found in the wild


Jun 29, 2024

Some animals can display a unique blue color as a result of genetic mutations or special body structures. Blue blood and pigmentation are rare in plants and wild animals, with scientists suggesting that blue colors in nature are less common due to the complicated process of absorbing and reflecting high-energy blue light. Despite this rarity, some animals can appear blue thanks to specific adaptations.

One example is the electric blue tarantula discovered in Thailand in 2023. These spiders have nanostructures on their hairs that control light absorption and reflection, giving them their distinctive blue color. Lobsters are another rare example of blue animals, with only about 1 in 2 million lobsters displaying a blue hue due to genetic mutations.

In May 2024, a family in the suburbs of Chicago found cicadas with blue eyes, a genetic mutation that occurs in only 1 in 1 million animals. Blue-eyed cicadas have a short lifespan and are being studied by experts to learn more about the genes behind their unique eye color. These examples show how some animals can exhibit blue colors in nature, despite its rarity.


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