• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Renewed Tensions in Korea as Seoul Resumes Loudspeaker Propaganda Following North Korea’s Garbage Balloons


Jun 9, 2024

South Korea has resumed a loudspeaker propaganda campaign towards North Korea as a response to Pyongyang sending 330 balloons filled with garbage the day before. The Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that South Korea’s continuation of this broadcast depends on North Korea’s actions. South Korea’s presidency described the broadcast as corresponding measures and a means to convey messages of light and hope. The responsibility for escalating tensions between the two Koreas falls entirely on North Korea.

Despite not violating UN sanctions, the situation between the two Koreas is at a low point, with analysts warning of a risk of military clashes. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has suspended a detente military agreement with North Korea after the recent balloon launches. Pyongyang had sent nearly a thousand balloons filled with trash in retaliation for balloons sent by South Korean activists with K-pop, dollar notes, and anti-Kim Jong Un propaganda.

The South Korean army confirmed receiving nearly 330 balloons with garbage from North Korea the day before. Analysis showed that the balloons did not contain any dangerous substances, but citizens were urged to stay away from them. The suspension of the 2018 agreement allows South Korea to resume live-fire exercises and propaganda campaigns against North Korea. Opposition parties have criticized the government for not taking stronger action against the balloon launches and for resuming loudspeaker propaganda campaigns, fearing an escalation towards armed conflict.


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