• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Reporting Birds with Unusual Behavior in the Neighborhood is Crucial


Jul 4, 2024

Currently, there is a wide outbreak of a mosquito-borne virus affecting dozens, if not more, patients, including some with serious neurological damage. The majority of cases are concentrated in Gush Dan and the Sharon region, prompting the Ministries of Health and Environmental Protection to take action to address the mosquito infestation. Dr. Katzman reveals that the virus primarily affects wild birds, such as crows and waterfowl, which can become paralyzed and die. Infected birds have been found in Israel, highlighting the importance of reporting any birds with unusual behavior to authorities.

Dr. Katzman clarifies that the virus is not directly transmitted from birds to humans but by mosquitoes that have bitten infected birds. He urges residents to report any sick or dead birds to local veterinarians. Additionally, he stresses the importance of using mosquito repellents, especially for at-risk individuals like the elderly and immunocompromised. In his message, Dr. Katzman expresses gratitude to the community for their cooperation in addressing the outbreak.

As the authorities work to contain the mosquito-borne virus, it is essential for residents to stay informed and take necessary precautions to protect themselves. By reporting any sick or dead birds and using mosquito repellents, individuals can help prevent the spread of the virus and mitigate its impact on the community. Together, with vigilance and cooperation, the community can work towards overcoming the current public health challenge.


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