• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Reports on uncovering dozens of cases of bribery for driver’s license up to 400 thousand drams


Jul 2, 2024

The anti-corruption committee has reported uncovering dozens of cases involving obtaining driver’s licenses for bribes. The preliminary investigation in the criminal proceedings has been completed, and around three dozen persons have been involved as defendants.

According to the report, a senior inspector of the registration-examination department of Armavir marz, S. K., used his official powers and influence to receive bribes with the help of his close friend S. P. The bribes ranged in size, with some individuals paying up to 400 thousand AMD.

The investigation revealed that during 2023, S. S. and P. K. accepted formal theoretical and practical exams from around 30 citizens applying for a driver’s license. They then created fake documents to issue the licenses, receiving a total of 6.5 million AMD in bribes from these citizens. In some cases, the candidates did not even participate in the exams.

As a result, many citizens who obtained driver’s licenses illegally without the necessary knowledge were operating vehicles, posing a danger to road traffic. S. K. was charged with abuse of official powers and fraud, while S. P. was charged with receiving a bribe from a criminal. The materials of the proceedings were sent to the court with an indictment.


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