• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Repubblica: Milan outbids Juventus for Rabiot with higher salary offer – the latest update


Jun 11, 2024

AC Milan has surpassed Juventus’ salary offer to Adrien Rabiot in the ongoing negotiations. The Italian club is determined to sign Rabiot as a welcome gift for their new head coach, Paulo Fonseca. Rabiot’s contract with Juventus is expiring, creating an opportunity for Milan to add another midfielder to their squad.

According to reports, Milan offered Rabiot a higher salary than Juventus, showing their seriousness in pursuing the player. The club has been in talks with Rabiot’s entourage for a while and is eager to bring him in on a free transfer. Juventus, on the other hand, wants to keep Rabiot and has made an offer of €7 million net per season to retain him.

Milan’s bid for Rabiot, however, stands at €7.5 million net per season, indicating their strong desire to secure the player’s services. The decision is now in Rabiot’s hands, as he is also being linked with a potential move to the Premier League, where clubs are willing to offer high wages. Milan is hopeful that Rabiot will choose them over other suitors and strengthen their midfield for the upcoming season.


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