• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Republican leader speaks out against potential Macron-Mélenchon alliance before second round of voting


Jul 1, 2024

Eric Ciotti, the leader of the Republicans party, has criticized French President Emmanuel Macron and the leader of La France Insoumise (LFI), Jean-Luc Mélenchon, for forming an “alliance” before the second round of elections. Ciotti, who had previously allied with Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, accused Macronist candidates from Juntos and the New Popular Front of resigning to block the far right.

The National Group emerged victorious in the first round of elections, followed by the New Popular Front and Juntos. These three forces will compete for the majority of constituencies in the upcoming second round. The New Popular Front and Juntos have called on their candidates to withdraw from constituencies where they placed third to consolidate votes against Le Pen’s National Rally.

Ciotti claimed that some Juntos candidates are stepping aside in favor of New Popular Front candidates who have allegedly downplayed an anti-Semitic attack by Hamas against Israel. The upcoming elections are shaping up to be a battle between the National Rally and a coalition of left-wing parties.

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