• Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Research Shows Trump and Biden Are 16 Years Older Than the Average Age of Global Leaders


Jun 26, 2024

Recent statistics reveal that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are significantly older than the average age of world leaders. According to The Washington Post, President Biden, at 81 years old, and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, at 78 years old, will go down in history as the oldest candidates from the two major parties in American history. When they face off in a debate, they will be competing to win the Oval Office.

In the United States, presidents tend to be older due to the workings of the two-party system. Kevin Munger, a professor of political science at Pennsylvania State University, explains that candidates must work within their party to advance to the presidency. Former President Barack Obama’s election at the age of 47 was considered a surprise, attracting unusually active young voters in the 2008 election campaign.

A sensitive topic in the United States, age is often connected to mental fitness, with Trump frequently questioning Biden’s age and fitness. Despite previous comments, Trump later expressed that Biden is not too old to be president. In Europe, however, a younger generation of leaders has emerged, such as Emmanuel Macron, Mette Frederiksen, and Simon Harris, due to the decline in popularity of established parties and the rise of new political movements.

Age can influence the issues a leader focuses on, with emotional connections playing a significant role. Daniel Stockheimer, a professor at the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa, emphasizes the importance of this connection in leadership. Overall, age and experience play a crucial role in shaping the leadership landscape in different parts of the world.


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