• Fri. Jul 5th, 2024

Rising costs of vacations: 600 euros per person for a week


Jun 26, 2024

The summer holidays have already begun, and the initial data are not very promising. It could be due to the weather, with temperatures below the seasonal average, recent elections, or the high costs in holiday resorts, but it appears that summer tourism has started off slowly. There is an estimated decrease of 2% compared to the same period last year, as stated by Sandro Susini, director of the Conflavoro Study Centre.

Nevertheless, the Italian tourism industry is expecting nearly 220 million visitors between June and August, which represents an increase of almost 2% compared to the previous year. Of these visitors, 39% will be tourists from abroad coming to visit Italy. However, due to price increases, some families may have to shorten their holiday period to no more than a week.

According to Susini, around 16 million Italians, equivalent to 27% of the population, will take holidays lasting no longer than a week, while just under 50% will enjoy holidays longer than a week. Additionally, there will be a decrease in the number of people able to afford weekend trips, with a drop of 3%.

Susini estimates that the average spending per capita for a week-long holiday is 615 euros, which is a 22% increase from the previous year. Tourists from abroad spend around 1,150 euros. The average spending varies among Italian citizens based on their region and age.

The price increases are mainly attributed to the costs of accommodation facilities, beach services, and transport. Susini concludes that a 7-day holiday will cost between 20% to 25% more than last summer. Due to these increases, Italians are choosing to stay in Italy rather than traveling abroad, with a 4% decrease in trips abroad compared to 2023.


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