• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Rocket artillery deployed by Belarus on the border with Ukraine


Jun 28, 2024

Belarus has announced that it is increasing border protection measures, including deploying rocket artillery units, after a security incident near the border with Ukraine. The Belarusian Ministry of Defense stated that they are working with border guards to strengthen national border protection, airspace control, and territorial surveillance. Specific measures were not disclosed, but a Polonez heavy rocket artillery unit was deployed near the border with Ukraine.

The commander of the Polonez rocket artillery unit stated that the unit is on the battlefield with full ammunition, ready to attack designated targets within minutes. This deployment comes after the Belarusian State Border Committee reported the presence of Russian Volunteer Corps units near the Belarus-Ukraine border. The committee cited a security incident involving the shooting down of a drone that had crossed into Belarusian airspace from Ukraine.

The drone was found spying on industrial facilities and infrastructure near the border. In addition to this incident, a cache of explosives was discovered near the border. Belarus is closely aligned with Russia, and President Alexander Lukashenko has previously allowed Russian forces to use Belarusian territory to launch operations against Ukraine. Ukrainian officials have not commented on the recent developments, and Belarus remains on alert in case of any further escalation in the region.


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