• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Rockford Magazine: Supporting Local Businesses, Health, and Wealth


Jul 2, 2024

Affected Magazine, a publication founded by Rockford entrepreneur Shanequa Clark, aims to help stateline residents connect with valuable services and information related to building wealth and personal wellness. Clark started the magazine in 2022 with a focus on providing resources to the community that many people may not be aware of or have access to.

The periodical covers topics such as wealth, health, and community resources, with the inspiration for the magazine coming to Clark in 2018 when she noticed the lack of awareness around local businesses and services on social media. This led her to create a centralized resource where readers could access information on various businesses and services in one place.

Affected Magazine features articles on entrepreneurship, fasting, financial planning, and more. Despite being a print publication, it also utilizes QR codes that readers can scan to access information directly from service providers online. In this way, the magazine is bridging the gap between print and digital media to provide a comprehensive and interactive resource for readers.

Local business owners, such as Diamond Edwards of DiamondKeys Beauty Spa, have praised Affected Magazine for its ability to showcase lesser-known businesses and services to a wider audience. Edwards believes the magazine is valuable because it reaches not only the Black community but all communities, providing a platform for businesses to connect with new customers.

Currently published quarterly, Clark hopes to transition Affected Magazine into a monthly publication next year. The magazine is available at various local businesses and organizations, including Wired Café and the Community Foundation of Northern Illinois. For more information, readers can visit Affectdiamond.com.


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