• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Russia deploys missiles and Shahed drones in Ukraine as Kyiv targets Lugansk with US weaponry


Jun 7, 2024

Recently, Russia launched five cruise missiles and 53 Iranian Shahed suicide drones towards Ukrainian territory. Ukrainian air defenses intercepted the missiles before they reached their targets, shooting down 48 of the drones. The missiles were launched from Tu-95MC bombers over Russian airspace, targeting Ukrainian critical infrastructure. The drones were fired from Crimea and Russian territories near the Ukrainian border.

Interceptions of drones and missiles took place over various Ukrainian regions. Russia has been using Shahed drones nightly to attack Ukrainian territory, making it challenging for defenses to intercept them. These drones force Ukraine to expend ammunition to prevent them from reaching their targets, causing damage and civilian casualties when intercepted drones fall on residential areas.

Ukraine has begun responding to Russian actions with its own drone attacks on Russian territory. In response, at least three people died and 22 were injured in Luhansk, controlled by Russian forces since 2014, following an attack by Ukrainian forces. The attack reportedly involved American weapons, with a total of up to six ATACMS missiles launched in Lugansk, damaging numerous buildings and shops in the city.


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