• Mon. Jun 24th, 2024

Russian Ministry of Defense Releases Report on Progress of “Special Operation” in Ukraine: War Enters 841st Day


Jun 13, 2024

On June 13, 2024, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a report on the progress of pro-Russian forces and the Russian army in their conflict with Ukraine. This war, termed a “special military operation” in Russia, has been ongoing for 841 days. Independent military experts, including the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT), have cast doubt on the reliability of the Ministry’s reports, particularly regarding Ukrainian losses. Despite this skepticism, it is deemed important to publish the contents of these reports for potential future analysis.

The Ministry’s report detailed various successful operations across different regions, where Ukrainian forces were reportedly defeated and significant losses were inflicted. The report highlighted actions taken by different groups of troops, such as the North, West, South, Center, Vostok, and Dnepr groups, in various areas of conflict. Additionally, the report mentioned the involvement of operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces, and artillery in targeting enemy concentrations.

Critics have raised concerns about the accuracy of the Russian Ministry of Defense’s casualty figures, suggesting that they may be inflated. Reports from declassified American intelligence documents indicate significant losses on the Russian side, impacting the nation’s military capabilities for years to come. Independent sources have compiled data on verified losses on both sides, including civilian casualties in Ukraine, which paint a grim picture of the human toll of the conflict.

Despite the ongoing conflict and differing narratives, the situation in Ukraine remains dire for both military personnel and civilians. The complexities of this protracted conflict are underscored by the varying accounts of losses and the far-reaching implications for the region. As the conflict continues to unfold, it is essential to critically analyze and verify information coming from all sources involved in the conflict.


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