• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Sandia staff is educating the next generation in quantum science.


Jul 2, 2024

The 2023 QCaMP, organized by Sandia National Laboratories, provides high school students and teachers in New Mexico with the opportunity to learn about quantum computing, mathematics, and physics. The program, now in its third year, aims to inspire the next generation of scientists in the rapidly growing field of quantum science. Scientists from Sandia National Laboratories, along with instructors from Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, will teach participants the fundamentals of quantum computing through hands-on activities.

QCaMP was created in 2022 by Sandia employees Megan Ivory and Jake Douglass and has since grown from a virtual-only camp to an in-person four-week camp for students and a three-day camp for teachers. The program has already taught 36 teachers and 84 students, with plans to reach even more participants in the future. By offering a hands-on concepts-first approach, QCaMP aims to reduce barriers to entry into the world of quantum science.

Participants in the program receive a paid stipend, ensuring that they can focus on learning about science without having to choose between a summer job and education. The camp is made possible by partnerships with organizations across New Mexico, including Los Alamos National Laboratory, the University of New Mexico, and the Computer Science Alliance. This year’s student camp will be held in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and the Bay Area of California from July 1 – 26, while the teacher’s camp took place earlier in June.


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