• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Sarah Bedford discusses how voters’ perceptions of the economy are deeply ingrained.


Jun 14, 2024

Sarah Bedford of The Washington Examiner believes that President Joe Biden faces a tough challenge in changing voters’ opinions on the economy. Most people currently think that the country is in a recession, with former President Donald Trump polling better than Biden on economic issues. According to Bedford, it may be difficult for Biden to alter voters’ negative perceptions of the economy, especially with only four months left in his term and only one interest rate cut announced.

The Federal Reserve recently decided to maintain its rate target at 5.25% to 5.50%, and officials predict only one rate cut for the entire year. In 2021, the Federal Reserve did not increase interest rates, and it has now consecutively gone seven months without making any rate reductions. In May, inflation decreased by 0.2%, with an overall decrease of 2.2% for the year. Despite these changes, Biden may still struggle to convince voters that the economy is improving under his leadership.


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