• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Scientists achieve world-first robot control using human ‘brain on chip’


Jul 2, 2024

Researchers at Tianjin University in China have achieved a significant breakthrough in biocomputation by creating a humanoid robot that is controlled by human brain cells. This innovative development is a first of its kind and could potentially lead to the development of hybrid human-robot intelligence, as reported by the South China Morning Post.

The robot, which resembles an action figure, is powered by human brain cells that were developed from stem cells originally intended to become part of the human brain. Described as a “brain on a chip” by the university, this technological advancement enables the robot to be controlled through an electrode on a computer chip, allowing it to encode and decode commands to perform various tasks.

In addition to its ability to execute commands, the robot can avoid obstacles, track targets, and utilize its arms to grasp objects, despite not having eyes. The researchers refer to this project as “the world’s first open-source brain-on-chip intelligent complex information interaction system.”

This groundbreaking robotics innovation is anticipated to have a significant impact on human-cyborg relations, with potential applications including repairing damage to the human brain and other neurological healing techniques. The brain-like dome on top of the robot is purely cosmetic and does not contain actual brain tissue.

The use of brain organoid transplants is being considered as a promising strategy for restoring brain function and rebuilding neural circuits. This research builds on the work of Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk that focuses on the medical advantages of chip implants in humans.


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