• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Scientists from the Physical Research Laboratory discovered 3 craters on Mars.


Jun 12, 2024

The scientists at the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad have discovered three new craters on Mars. Located in the Tharsis volcanic region on Mars, these craters have been recently named by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature. One of the craters, named “Lal crater” after Prof. Devendra Lal, is 65 km wide and is located at -20.98° and 209.34°. The other two craters, named “Mursan” and “Hilsa” after towns in India, are approximately 10 km wide each.

The PRL has highlighted the scientific significance of the Lal crater, noting that it is covered with lava and contains a 45-meter thick sedimentary deposit in its subsurface. This discovery suggests that water once flowed on the surface of Mars, providing important evidence of the planet’s wet history. The Mursan and Hilsa craters, situated on either side of the Lal crater, offer insight into the infilling process of the larger crater, indicating that the infilling occurred episodically.

Overall, the discovery of these new craters on Mars sheds light on the geological history of the planet and provides valuable information about water presence and movement in its past. The work of the scientists at PRL in identifying and naming these craters contributes to our understanding of Mars and its evolution over time.


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