• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

SDA Shares from SunCar Technology Group Surge to $8.30 on NASDAQ


May 26, 2024

SunCar Technology Group Inc. (NASDAQ: SDA) saw an increase in stock price prior to trading on Friday. The stock opened at $8.50, up from its previous close of $8.30. By the end of trading, SunCar Technology Group shares were at $8.49, with a volume of 27,575 shares being traded.

The company’s fifty-day simple moving average is $7.48, while its two-hundred day simple moving average is $7.52.

SunCar Technology Group Inc. provides digitalized automotive after-sales service and online insurance intermediation services in China. It operates through three segments: Insurance Intermediation Business, Automotive After-Sales Business, and Technology Business.

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