• Wed. Jun 5th, 2024

SGAE aims to put lawsuits and scandals on hold.


May 21, 2024

Cristina Perpiñá-Robert, born in Barcelona in 1969, leads the General Society of Authors and Editors (SGAE), an institution that has recently been able to move past the scandals that have plagued its headquarters in Madrid since 2011 when Teddy Bautista was arrested for alleged embezzlement of funds. The SGAE has seen a turbulent decade with multiple presidents coming and going, but under Perpiñá-Robert’s leadership, there has been a period of stability.

Having worked at the SGAE for 20 years before becoming the general director, Perpiñá-Robert has focused on addressing urgent issues such as adjusting rates, clarifying the rate framework, and fostering positive relationships with clients like television stations. She acknowledges that the first year of her tenure has been about putting out fires and resolving immediate challenges rather than designing long-term strategies.

One of the key battles facing the SGAE is a dispute with the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC), who have accused the company of abusing its dominant position in setting rates for radio and television stations. Perpiñá-Robert is working to negotiate with the CNMC and reach a resolution to avoid potential fines.

Despite the challenges, the SGAE has seen positive results in terms of revenue and distribution of royalties, with increasing international revenues and a diverse group of authors contributing to collections. Perpiñá-Robert emphasizes the importance of working towards a sustainable model for copyright management in the face of digital advancements and changing consumer behavior.

Looking ahead, Perpiñá-Robert is focused on advocating for the protection of authors’ rights in a rapidly evolving digital landscape and ensuring that creators are fairly compensated for their work. She believes that collaboration and transparency are key to maintaining the SGAE’s reputation and relevance in the music industry.


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