• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Shares of TrueShares Technology, AI & Deep Learning ETF (NYSEARCA:LRNZ) Increase by 0.6%


Jun 29, 2024

TrueShares Technology, AI & Deep Learning ETF (NYSEARCA: LRNZ) saw its shares increase by 0.6% on Friday. The stock reached a high of $39.87 and closed at $39.51, with a total of 22,284 shares traded during the session, an 86% increase from the average volume of 11,957 shares. The previous closing price was $39.27.

With a market cap of $41.88 million, a P/E ratio of 113.58, and a beta of 1.69, the company’s 50-day moving average is $37.67 and its 200-day moving average is $38.16.

The TrueShares Technology, AI & Deep Learning ETF is an exchange-traded fund based on the Nasdaq Composite TR index. It is actively managed and invests in global equities focused on artificial intelligence and deep learning. Launched on Feb 28, 2020, the fund is managed by TrueShares.

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